Logo, Judith L. Lewis DO, FCA, Stillpoint Osteopathic Center - Natural Medicine

(206) 258-4580
7211 29th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98115

Differential Diagnosis 

Judith Lewis Working with Patient - Differential Diagnosis

You may find the best possible causes for your health concerns or ailments with a proper differential diagnosis. Osteopathic medicine is one of the best hidden secrets in the medical field, since it helps with a wide array of medical concerns. I’ve worked with clients who have been unable to receive a clear answer from regular doctors or specialists.  For example, my approach may help answer your questions about unexplained pain.

Getting the Right Diagnosis

Using a process known as differential diagnosis, I work with my clients to find the solution or cause of their symptoms. Since certain symptoms fit multiple ailments, I use the differential process to find causes or ailments that other doctors may not have checked. During the differential diagnosis, I may reach a conclusion for a variety of illnesses or problems that have not been previously diagnosed.  This paves the way forward for appropriate treatment and improved health and well being.

For information about my differential diagnosis process or to request an appointment, contact me in Seattle, Washington.