Logo, Judith L. Lewis DO, FCA, Stillpoint Osteopathic Center - Natural Medicine

(206) 258-4580
7211 29th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98115

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine & Treatment in Seattle, Washington

Judith Lewis Working with Patient - Medical Treatment

You may actually save time and money on unnecessary therapy by choosing osteopathic medical options as a treatment choice. I receive numerous word-of-mouth referrals, and I truly enjoy seeing my patients.  My practice can help with several medical issues, in addition to musculoskeletal problems.  I generally spend at least 45 minutes with every patient visit to ensure they have the best possible chance for a postive outcome.

Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

Osteopathy is a hands-on medical treatment that involves many different types of treatment approaches including cranial osteopathy and muscular rehabilitation. Most of my patients choose osteopathy because of an injury that may have happened recently or decades ago.

These older injuries may even have required treatment, but the issue was never resolved. My skills and medical approach are perfect for those who’ve never gotten help for health issues and concerns, including heat, digestive, and urinary problems.

Medical Treatment

I use indirect medical treatment approaches to jump-start or work with your body’s self-healing potency. These simple approaches utilize the principle of physiology and neuromusculoskeletal relationships. The treatments are relaxing and many lead to long-lasting change.


Achieving Optimal Health

Osteopathic medicine, or osteopathy, is the study of the function and health of the body. The body has its own intrinsic healing mechanism – called homeostasis. This is the ability of the body to seek and maintain a condition of equilibrium or stability within its internal environment when dealing with external stresses.  While DO’s are fully licensed physicians and educated to diagnose and prescribe, the foundation of osteopathic medicine is the study of the body’s health. We are taught that “anyone can find disease; it is the role of the osteopathic physician to find health.” Using the understanding of the nervous system, of anatomy and physiology, it is often possible to substantially improve sinus problems, digestive problems, reflux or heartburn, and problems with urinary control through optimizing the nervous system and the physiology of the body.

Judith Lewis, DO, utilizes gentle treatments designed to assist the body in its own attempts to heal. This indirect form of treatment, which includes cranial osteopathy, indirect fascial release of the vertebra and joint strains, and treatment of the Chapman’s points can in a surprisingly gentle way restore your body’s homeostasis.  Chapman’s points are responses in the nervous system related to problems with the organ systems. These responses are locked into the body and inhibit proper function of the organ systems and the muscular system. Sometimes this limitation causes ongoing problems with that organ system. 

To make an appointment, for insurance questions or other information call:
Stillpoint Osteopathic Center at 206-258-4580
7211 29th AVE NE in Seattle, WA 98115

After I treat my patients, I teach them how to change their muscle function, so that they may avoid problems or trouble in the future. I rarely prescribe oral medication for pain management, and I don’t prescribe narcotics for pain management issues.